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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

97,467 kilometers

I was always pegged as the first to get married out of all my friends. And here I sit, alone, single, in my car on the side of the road on a drive back down south after a wekeend away. She had just had her baby that weekend. A beautiful baby boy. 7lbs 2oz. I had spent my entire weekend with babies. So. many. babies. Maybe it was a combination of the snow falling slowly, or the Taylor Swift on the radio, but as the smokestack grew smaller in my rear view mirror, I couldn't help but cry. I was crying so much I had to pull over to the side of the road. I began thinking of how nothing seemed to be panning out as I wanted. Sure, I have a good job that I studied hard for in school, I'm a real "Career Woman". That's fine for most, but not for me. I never wanted a career. I always wanted to be a housewife, with four boys, cooking dinners, baking deserts, mending socks....

But I began to think of all my classmates and friends who are already married, and have been married for a few years already. Then my mind began thinking of all the classmates and friends who are already divorced or separated. And I began to laugh. Laugh at my own stupidity. I'll be 24 in August. By the time I'm actually ready to settle down with my life and financially and emotionally ready to have a husband, or children, all my friends will more than likely be going through divorces or separations.

And just as I was about to pull back out into the highway, a moose walked out from the forest and just stood there staring at me. And I just smiled back, knowing that I was doing just fine with my life.

Emily K.

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